Mrs. Bubala—A Success Story

Many of you have heard of Mrs. Bubala. She's the manager of the Mbayi poultry business (originally funded by Canadians) and known throughout the district for the plump and tasty chickens she raises. Born in Southern Province, Mrs. Bubala married in 1975 and has 9 children, 3 boys and 6 girls. She moved to Mbayi in 2003 and since she was brought up by a father who insisted his children be at work in the fields by 5am, she's very disciplined indeed! A hard worker, Mrs. Bubala has also made the most of seeds and fertilizer given to her by us for gardening. She now has a thriving vegetable business, her maize (corn) so sweet that it's a delight to eat and much in demand, as well as carrots, tomatoes, rape, cabbage, onions... Mrs Bubala and her husband received 2 goats, a male and female in March 2011 and they are now into breeding the 4th generation! Mrs. Bubala is very grateful to Canadians who have empowered her through donations. She is a woman with sustainable businesses! Now she is able to pay school fees for her children and buy them uniforms and books plus supply and purchase food for her family.  She's a great role model for the youth in Mbayi whom she is currently teaching how to grow their own vegetable gardens (also funded by Canadian givers).

She's also a very caring woman who often brings me to the sick in the community and accompanies us to the clinic and/or hospital. This compassion, she says, is a gift from God.

Mrs. Bubala is a remarkable woman. When I asked her what she would like to say to Canadians she replied - " Thank them and tell them to please keep helping us in Mbayi so we can continue to move forward."

God bless you all for helping - you are making a huge difference!