Agriculture - On the Go!

Maize Seed - Delivered We've had some early rain and farmers are being cautioned not to plant yet, not until it has been established that the rainy season is truly underway. The maize (corn) has been purchased ( thanks so much to all of you who helped - we've met this year's maize fund raising goal!!! ) and delivered, safely stored and ready to go. In the meantime fields are being prepared. This year, due to the increase, we've actually doubled the amount to be grown, I've decided to pay some of the grade 8 & 9 students to help with the cultivating. This will be a good experience for them and they'll make a bit of money to help with school fees.

There's another round of chickens ( broilers they call them ) being raised for market in our new chicken house - they are 3 weeks old today and halfway to full maturity. We have a new baby goat- that makes 3 now- and 2 expecting moms.

An amazing amount of change is evident in this farming community since our partnership began last year. Because so many of you have shared, hope abounds and lives are improving. God bless you!

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