Canada meets Australia

Sau, the tech wiz at the internet cafe thoughtfully introduced me to a missionary from Australia doing similar work - but he's been at it for 2 years. He let me tag along for a day and I sponged up lots of valuable info! I now know all about poultry production, including how to build a chicken house.

I know that 100 chicks need 4 feeders and 3 drinkers, and that cement is sold in pockets.

I know how to catch a bird for market (imagine that!!!) and build a roof with corrugated iron, never grass.

I know that birds need to be vaccinated and require 24 hour light - oops!- Mbayi doesn't have electricity! Time to investigate a solar solution.

I also acquired lots of gardening tips, learned all about digging a fish pond for fingerlings (new word for me!), and where to buy absolutely everything I need.

What an amazing and exciting day!

But it doesn't end there - I was invited for dinner with his wife and family of orphans. They even have a puppy! For the first time since arriving in Zambia I stayed out after dark.

Now I have some new friends and crucial information for the success of the Women's Club in Mbayi.

Big day for a city girl!

Next, I'm off to Mbayi with a bag of Compound D for the vegetable garden, ever so grateful for the kindness of an Aussie.